Sharing The House

Andy, Kristina, April, and Ann Marie are at the front door of James house that he shares with his sister Ally. Ally is upstairs studying for her midterms, when they burst into the house, and this gang of girls is on a mission. They head up to Ally's room, grab her, surround her, and begin berating her for sitting in their table on the university quad. Ally is very scared, and when they begin shoving her, she runs out of the house crying. James comes up to investigate why his sister drove off in   a huff. The girls start to make fun of James too, until Ann Marie decides that he is cute and that he should service her. They back him up against the wall and all four girls proceed to fuck his brains ou

Sharing The House Reviewed by Java Coder Programmer on March 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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